"When schools are closed, some kids don’t eat.”
By Nick Neonakis, The Franchise Consulting Company, Inc.
The COVID-19 pandemic is having direct and indirect impacts on many lives. In order to reduce spreading of the virus, many local governments have closed down schools, sporting events, restaurants, bars, gyms and other places where large numbers of the population gather. This has resulted in a rush to empty shelves in grocery stores as people buy non-perishable food products, disinfecting cleaners and toilet paper. However, not everyone has this option. For many families, school breakfasts and lunches are the main meals of the day for children. These families cannot stockpile their home pantries. The need to stockpile our food banks is greater than ever.
Giving Back
There are approximately 773,000 franchise establishments in the U.S, employing approximately 9 million people. Nick Neonakis, noted author of The Franchise MBA and CEO of The Franchise Consulting Company took up the charge to rally the franchise community to take an incredibly powerful action with the Feed A Kid program. The idea for the movement was born from a food drive run by the Great American Franchise Expo this past weekend and its partnership with FeedingTampaBay.org. Over 65 franchises that participated in the expo located in Tampa donated to FeedingTampaBay.org
Insights on Coming Together
“During these times, our community of franchisors, franchisees and suppliers is coming together in a way like it never has before. When schools are closed some kids don’t eat. All of us who are in franchising care deeply about our children. We are partnering with Feeding America and we are going to make sure that as schools close, we are going to do all we can all across the U.S. help feed the kids who need it,” said Neonakis.
The Feed A Kid movement is designed to ignite one of the most generous communities in the world of business, the franchise community. The goal is to have 5,000 franchisees Feed A Kid before next Monday, March 23rd and another 5,000 before the end of March.
Think of what your business can do during this time to help with giving back, local communities and more.
Nick Neonakis is the CEO of The Franchise Consulting Company, Inc.