Corporate Filming and Franchise Filming, leading, full-service video production providers that help tell authentic stories using a VIP subscription model of monthly videos, has announced the creation of The Corporate Filming & Franchise Filming Foundation aimed to benefit brands, employees, clients, and most importantly, community – all while making a positive impact in this world.
Corporate Filming & Franchise Filming are proudly partnering with various LGBTQ+ groups and high school film programs across the country to help people pursue their dreams and feel comfortable in their own skin. Every time a new client signs on, Corporate Filming & Franchise Filming will send $500 toward these causes to help make a positive impact.
The inspiration behind this giveback foundation stems from Franchise Filming Founder, CEO & Passionate Storyteller Trevor Rappleye who has a profound passion for filming. Ever since Rappleye started filming at age 13, he fell in love with it. He was fortunate enough to attend a high school with ample resources and has a supportive family who encouraged his dream of learning video and film. With access to hands-on experience with real professionals and high-quality equipment, he quickly was able to discover his true passion in life. Rappleye also came out at the age of 24 and had full support from his family and friends. He recognizes that some people don’t have that and the implications it can have on a person.
“I want our company to stand for something,” said Rappleye. “We have so much more to offer than just our services. I want our team to be able to give back and feel they’re making a true difference. This foundation gives us the opportunity to help kids who want to learn video and filming at a young age have the resources and support to do so. This higher purpose gives our work meaning and reason beyond day-to-day operations.”
Already this year, the Corporate Filming & Franchise Filming Foundation has donated funds to send a student to Brave Trails LGBTQ+ camp and make a sizable donation to a high school TV program that will result in the ability to purchase new equipment.
As Corporate Filming & Franchise Filming continue to grow, these charitable efforts will further connect its employees to their work, and ultimately drive a more productive and engaged workforce while championing a cause for positive impact. In the foundation’s first year, Corporate Filming & Franchise Filming aim to donate $5,000 to these important causes and send 10 more students who may be struggling with their sexuality to supportive camps across the country.
“We rise by lifting others,” said Rappleye. “I’m beyond grateful to have the opportunity to lift the lives of others through this business and know that the future is bright. As our organizations continue to grow, we’ll be able to make an even greater impact - this is just the beginning of something remarkable.’
Franchise Filming has gained a reputation for incredible, strategic storytelling in video form. In recent months, Franchise Filming has signed on eight new large clients, growing its roster to include reputable names such as Neighborly, Batteries Plus Bulbs, Go Mini’s, and CVS Health among others. Through its subscription-based model, Franchise Filming gives internal marketing team’s their time back – handling everything from start to finish including the development of a complete custom strategy to capture stories, coordination, filming, editing, and final product.
For more information on Corporate Filming and Franchise Filming, please visit and or call at 888-389-3456.
About Franchise Filming
Founded by serial entrepreneur Trevor Rappleye, Franchise Filming is a leading, full-service video production provider that helps franchisors and suppliers across the country drive leads and win more clients with monthly videos via a VIP membership model. The Franchise Filming membership provides a world-class customer service experience with professional videos every month that will drive sales without corporate video production hassles – no travel costs or extra fees, with final videos completed in just five to ten days. Whether companies are seeking to raise awareness or drive more sales, Franchise Filming provides a creative, high-quality solution by creating memorable and engaging videos that inspire people to take action and drive sales. For more information, please visit