WednesdayWise Webinar: Digital Advertising Best Practices

WednesdayWise Webinar Series
Wednesday, September 30, 2020; 2:00pm - Wednesday, September 30, 2020; 3:00pm
Peter Durand, Chief Revenue Officer, Netsertive
Lindsay Ellis, Marketing Director, Re-Bath Corporate

Hosted by industry professionals, our WednesdayWise Webinar series of informative online education will help you run your franchise business better.

Digital Advertising Best Practices for Franchise and Retail Marketers

COVID-19 has accelerated the need for national and regional franchise brands to market locally. Competition for the local shopper has increased, and franchisees are looking for strong corporate support to get through these monumental times. Local buyers today are completing the majority of their customer journey online, and the retail or service location that gets in front of them first, in a personalized and relevant way, is going to capture that business. The problem is, being local, personalized, and relevant in digital advertising is really hard for national and regional franchises to do.

In this webinar, you’ll learn how franchisors can:

  • Win local shoppers by localizing your digital advertising across rooftop locations.
  • Engage shoppers researching higher consideration products and services with the best use of search, social, display and video advertising.
  • Create a brand-compliant digital advertising program optimized for retail.



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