
Find articles and information regarding navigating the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic here.

A COVID Cut Above


Sport Clips Haircuts stylist Shelby Rosenbaum, who works in Olive Branch, Mississippi, recently told a Memphis' WREG reporter that team members are "supposed to go out of our way for clients," and that's just what she did for her young client Colton.

How One Franchisor is Saving Lives in Crisis


If you’re going to be in a pandemic, Dave Adams is the sort of person everyone would want on the front lines.

He owns and operates six American Family Care (AFC) locations in the Boston area. As a kid, he was an Eagle Scout. He is a former Marine. He also has a B.A. in history, from the College of William and Mary, and an MBA from Dartmouth College.

5 Tips to Help Your Franchisees Grow Your Essential Business In Crisis Times

A strong franchise model is built to last. As is the case with all businesses, storms will come along, but they can be weathered when the organizational structure is rock-solid and everybody in the company is unified in purpose.

The importance of those vital qualities is magnified in essential businesses and how well they serve the public in challenging times, such as during this economic downturn for the nation. The value of such businesses grows when people know they can count on those services and products at a time they most need them.  

Paychex’s PPP Loan Forgiveness Estimator and Forgiveness Report

To reflect the latest Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan regulations, we’ve launched an in-app PPP Loan Forgiveness Estimator within our Paychex Flex® platform for clients. If you haven’t applied for a PPP loan, there are still funds available, however the SBA's application approval deadline is June 30.

Five Tips to Maximize PPP Loan Forgiveness 

On June 5, 2020 President Trump signed into law several critical fixes to the forgiveness terms of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), providing much needed relief for small business borrowers. While this is good news for loan recipients, it’s important to keep in mind these five key points for maximizing PPP loan forgiveness: 

1.     Keep Good Records

Shipley Do-Nut Franchisee Gives Back by Supporting Employee Relief

In Bedford, TX, Phil Adkins, a franchise owner of Shipley Do-Nuts, has been devoting time and resources toward his employees during the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic. As part of his franchise business’s relief efforts, Adkins is giving back to his employees by ensuring that they have increased paid time-off for personal or family illness.

FirstLight Home Care Franchisees Give Back


FirstLight Home Care of Omaha Owner Sends Hugs, Love, Prayers to Those in Senior Living Communities

FirstLight Home Care of Omaha owner Jaye Firmature McCoy recently donated $100 each to several Omaha-area senior living communities in the hopes of raising the spirits of those who might be struggling with fear, sadness and isolation.